Ethical Hacking Practice , Techniques Online Course (27+ Hours Course)

Details of Course
- Ethical hacking skills.
- Theory & Practical of Hacking
- The security trends in IT.
- Myths of Security
- Wi-Fi network standards and protection.
- About Wi-Fi threats.
- Detailed awareness on Windows security.
- The boundaries of Security.
- How to prevent your system from malware
- The secret tips on access control in Windows.
- The Windows Authentication.
- Identify Spoofing Prevention.
- The mechanisms of Windows authorisation.
- Windows security mechanisms.
- Encrypt Data in Windows.
- Wi-Fi network standards and protection.
- Wi-Fi network threats.
- How to prevent identity spoofing.
What initial Knowledge you need to learn in this course
- Basics of IT
- Basics of programming skills
Description of Course
Certified Ethical Hacking Course in Practice
This ethical hacking course is an advance course which is helpful for all the aspiring hackers who want to go forward in Ethical hacking as a career. This course is for 27+ hours of duration.
Before you begin
The hacking course which is shared here will be used for many practicals all over the world. The students who learn through this course have taken their first step towards ethical hacking and computer security. These video lectures are very useful for the network administrators, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers.
This course has been made by Certified experts (CISS, MCSE:MS, CEH, CISSP). They have created courses for a beginner to become an advance level security expert. The goal of this course is to provide high quality material to the students to prepare online and after that apply for certification exams. So we recommend this course to all aspiring hackers who are serious about the security jobs.
About the ethical hacking training
Computer Security is a very serious topic which is being taught to the experts so that they can prevent the cyber criminals to access the protected networks, view encrypted files, accounts, and even steal identities.
The course will teach you real world techniques that hackers use to protect their data and the network.
The course is equally useful to a beginner and a skilled expert. The learning resources will let you learn and sharp your knowledge about IT security, ethical hacking and penetration testing.
Warning :- After completing this course , you will be able to do many practical which can b harmful too. Please do not do any harmful activity like infiltrate networks or IT systems without permission and consent. This course is given for the prevention of harmful attacks. If you did any unethical activity, then you will be totally responsible for it.
Become CISS ( Certified IT Security Specialist) course covers
- Myths of Security and Hacking
- Advance IT Security
- Microsoft Windows Threats and WiFi Weaknesses
- Latest Black-Hat Threats and Trends
- Designing More Secure Networks
- Encrypted Data, Identify Spoofing, and Windows Authorization
- IT Security Academy Exam Preparation
Boost Network Security and Identify Weaknesses
The certified hackers identify various threats which are made to secure the traitors. This is done by understanding how a cyber criminal thinks to find vulnerabilities in a network.
Contents and Overview
This course will help a student to seek a good career in IT security / Ethical Hacking, as well as programmers and technology enthusiasts who want to develop hacking and prevention skills. However basic undertanding of IT feild is needed but not as such necessary.
After 239 lectures and spending 27 hours , you will be able to understand all the basics and advance concepts of hacking in few days.Who this course is for:
- Hacking enthusiasts
- Ethical Hackers
- Future IT Sec Professionals
- IT Students
- Programmers
- IT enthusiasts
How to Download Ethical Hacking Practice , Techniques Online Course (27+ Hours Course)
- Click on download Link below.
- Complete the captcha.
- Wait for 10 seconds & your download will start.
- Complete the course & excel in your career.