Debian Stretch GNU Released, Debian Upgrade Jessie to Stretch – Check the new features & download links

The Debian development team  has released the latest version of Debian i.e. Debian 9.0 Stretch. The name of this version is named as Toy Story Octopus. This version i.e. Stretch will be remain supported for the next 5 years. Debian 9 included new digital forensics tools, GNOME 3.22,Linux kernel 4.9, default MariaDB, etc. Now you can either update the installed OS or download the new version from the official website.

Debian Stretch Release Date – Debian Upgrade Jessie to Stretch

A month ago we , it was announced that the Debian Development Team is planning to release the final product of Debian 9.0 Stretch GNU / Linux distribution on 17th of June. And they did what they said & released a new stable version. Debian 9 that is named as Stretch which is a character of Toy Story Octopus. All the names of Debian versions are named on a character in Toy Story.

Debian 9 Stretch GNU

The joint efforts of Debian Security team and Debian LTS team , this will be supported for next five years. The release team has dedicated the release to founder of Debian Lan Murdock who died in December 2015.
Debian 9 is the most important Linux Distro in 2017. Many ajr Linux distros are based on the Debian 9. So we are writing some of the important features of Debian 9.
Debian Stretch Release Date - Debian Upgrade Jessie to Stretch
Debian Stretch Release Date – Debian Upgrade Jessie to Stretch

Features of Debian 9 ‘Stretch’

New releases of desktop environments

Debian 9 Stretch is released in different flovors. So it comes with GNOME 3.22, KDE 5.8, MATE 1.16, and Xfce 4.12.

Linux kernel 4.9

Debian 9 is equipped with Linux kernel 4.9 an LTS kernel. It will be followed by next LTS release i.e. Linux 4.14

MariaDB is default

MYSQL is now the new default DBMS in Debian 9. After the upgrade will be done, MySQL 5.5 or 5.6 will be changed to MariaDB automatically.

Firefox and Thunderbird

The new release has also replaced the web browser like Iceweasel and Icedove to new browsers i.e. Firefox and Thunderbird.

New important verification feature

The verification feature is also included in the Debian 9 with the help of Reproducible Builds project. With this 90% of the source package build bit-for-bit identical binary packages, makes Linux a more secure OS.

‘modern’ branch of GnuPG

Debian 9 Stretch is the only Debian version which has ‘modern’ branch of GnuPG in ‘gnupg’ package.

Debugging made easier

The debug package are also easier than before. A new ‘dbg-sym’ repository has been added in the APT source list, which can provide debug symbols automatically.

UEFI support improved

The UEFI support has been improved in debian 9. It was introduced in Wheezy release. It also supports Debian installation on 32-bit UEFI firmware with a 64-bit kernel.

New forensic tools

There are some new forensic tools introduced in Debian 9.

  • dislocker
  • pompem
  • unhide.rb
  • bruteforce-salted-openssl
  • cewl

Updated software packages

Many software packages are updates in the Debian 9 Stretch

  • Apache 2.4.25,
  • Chromium 59.0.3071.86
  • GIMP 2.8.18
  • GNU Compiler Collection 6.3
  • Python 2.7.13 and 3.5.3
  • Ruby 2.3
  • Golang 1.7
  • LibreOffice 5.2
  • OpenJDK 8
  • Perl 5.24
  • PHP 7.0
  • Samba 4.5
  • systemd 232
  • Tomcat 8.5
  • Xen Hypervisor
  • X.Org Server 1.19.2
  • GnuPG 2.1

Download Debian 9 Stretch: Live CD and Torrent

You can download the Debian 9 in different variants GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Xfce, Cinnamon, and MATE. So you can download the new version from here.
If you download the new Debian 9 Stretch, then please provide your experiences with us. Write a comment to let us know.


  1. Jonathan
    June 25, 2017

    Thanks for this wonderful article. I need more knowledge on this.

  2. Parkash
    June 30, 2017

    Debian is one of the most important OS release in 2017. There will be many pother OS based on it. You can say t as the father of other OS

  3. mesch
    July 1, 2017

    I m just a fan of linux OS. I would try the new debian strech OS for the installation

  4. raman
    July 1, 2017

    This piece of writing will assist the linux user for better usage

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