A YouTuber named Slider2732 has shown a video on how he created a tiny PC using an optical mouse & Orange Pi. This home-made PC works on Linux. He has shared the video on his YouTube channel on make Tiny PC using Mouse.
Make Tiny PC using Mouse
Many of us who don’t like to throw away the computer accessories must read this. If you have an old mouse left with you then you can use this way to make a small PC from it. Yes using the method suggested by Slider2732 you can make Linux PC from it.
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To make a PC in a mouse Slider2732 used an old Logitech Mouse with a transparent bottom. The transparent bottom is used to see the components inside mouse.
Slider2732 has also created a wireless network that enables his creation to use Internet & watch videos on Internet.
His Mouse PC runs on RetroOrangePi 3.0.1 Linux. It has Armbian 5.25 O/S, OpenElec, Kodi and all the games system & arcade emulators. Debian 8-based Armbian can also be used. You can get a Orange Pi by visiting a link.
You can also watch this video for more information.
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