Five Linux Distributions that can be installed on Raspberry Pi – How to install Linux on Raspberry Pi

Many of you may have heard about raspberry Pi. If you haven’t we are going to tell you something about it. Also about the OS that you can install on Raspberry Pi alternatives.

What is Raspberry Pi – Raspberry Pi Buy

Raspberry Pi is a series of single board computers that are developed by Raspberry Pi Foundation in United Kingdom. The single chip computer is small in size & able to work with any architecture. The main purpose for the development of this Computer is for teaching basics of Computer. It can also be used in Robots.

How to install Linux on Raspberry Pi – Raspberry Pi Price

The primary models of this Computer was $5. But since the newer version have come, the price has increased to 35$. Raspberry Pi 3 has been equipped with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi & USB port for more I/O features in it.

According to Raspberry Pi Foundation, over 15 million Rasberry pi computers are sold till date. It has become the bestselling computer for the company.

Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi

Five alternatives of Linux for Raspberry Pi

So here we are going to tell you about Five Linux Distributions that can be installed in Raspberry Pi. While all the distribution are based on Linux. Most of the people working on it are using Rasbian OS for it.
Also Read :- Rock64 Mini vs Raspberry Pi 3
Still five alternatives are given here for you.

Fedora Raspberry Pi

Yes, if you are a Fedora User, then you can install Fedora in Rasberry Pi. Two options are available in it. use first one called ARM image which is used in 32 -bit & 64-bit both. This version is best for Raspberry Pi 2. You can also try PI Pidora which is mixture of Fedora.

Gentoo Raspberry Pi

Getoo uses a kernel image. This kernel image is provided by the raspberry Pi foundation. Gentoo is more compatible in compiling a code than to install it via Gentoo distro with an installer. Gentoo needs more time in configuration before use.

ROKOS Raspberry Pi

ROKOS is a quite different OS. It is based on Bitcoin manipulation. It also works with Pi-alikes , PINE64+ and the Banana Pi PRO. You can convert your Rasberry into a cryptocurrency client.

SolydX RPI Raspberry Pi

This is Debian based Linux that works with Xfce desktop. It is compatible with older versions of Raspberry Pi. At least 4 GB storage is required for its installation.

Arch Linux Raspberry Pi

Arch Linux was quite popular with Rasberry Pi 2. It is packaged with NOOBS installer. Many users have given good reviews for it & suggested to try it.
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