Things to do after installing Kali Linux 2017.2 – Getting Started with Kali Linux installation

5 things to do after installing kali linux
5 things to do after installing kali linux

Hello my Hacker friends , I have written so many articles for you which provide you a basic tutorial base for using Linux. Many of you may have faced problems in installing Kali Linux.

Getting Started with Kali Linux – What to do After installing Kali Linux

And this happens with us, the method to install Kali Linux is not as easy as compared to Windows or any other Linux Distro. Now after all these obstacles , I hope you have installed Kali Linux on your PC.

    After you have installed your favourite Kali Linux on your PC , there are some things that you should do. I have written them one by one that will help you to use this OS more efficiency.

    5 Things to do after Install Kali Linux  Rolling

    Fix Default Repository

    The first task after installation is to fix the default repository. Type the command in the terminal & press Enter.

    leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list

    This command will open a file , add the lines written below in the file.

    ## Regular repositories deb kali main non-free contrib deb kali/updates main contrib non-free ## Source

    repositories deb-src kali main non-free contrib deb-src kali/updates main contrib non-free


    After the file is updated you can enter this command in your terminal.

    apt-get update

    Also Read :-  How to Install your own Open VPN Server in Kali linux

    Fix The Device Not Managed Error

    There may be error “Device not Managed Error”, write the command in your terminal

    leafpad /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

    File will be opened in your screen, replace false with true.

    Install the software center

    Software center is a very useful utility that helps you to install new software in your PC. Type the command below in the terminal.

    apt-get install software-center
    This will download the software center & the next command will install the software center in your PC.


    Replace Iceweasel with Firefox in Kali Linux

    Firefox browser is a very popular browser which let you use the Internet. If you are going to install it in Kali Linux then you have to use these commands.

    apt-get remove iceweasel

    After this you will be able to install Firefox in your PC.

    echo -e “ndeb all main”

    | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver C1289A29 apt-get update apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build

    Now you have installed  Firefox successfully in your PC

    Install flash in Kali Linux

    Flash is used to watch videos in your Browser. There are the commands which will let you install flash in your PC.

    apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree update-flashplugin-nonfree –install

    Now flash is installed in your PC.

    Update, Upgrade, Dist-Upgrade

    Withe this command you can clean , update & upgrade your Kali Linux Distro.

    apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

    Enable sound on Boot

    Use this command to enable the sound while system boots.

    apt-get install alsa-utils -y

    Installing Java in Kali

    Download Java from the official website of java & save the file in the download folder.

    Now run the following command

    1. tar -zxvf jre*.tar.gz
    2. mv jre* /opt
    3. cd /opt/jre*

    Install and register binaries Of Java

    The downloaded version will be registered & switches to be default.

    update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jre*/bin/java 1

    update-alternatives –install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin.s­o mozilla- /opt/jre*/lib/amd64/ 1

    update-alternatives –set java /opt/jre*/bin/java

    update-alternatives –set javac /opt/jre*/bin/javac

    update-alternatives –set /opt/jre*/lib/amd64/

     Install HTOP and NetHogs

    HTOP shows running processes & memory used. NetHogs shows applications traffic per interface.It can be installed by the command given.

    apt-get install htop nethogs -y

    The commands to use them are

    • htop
    • nethogs eth0
    • nethogs wlan0

    Update the Existing Kali Linux to the Latest Version

    If you are already a Kali Linux User and you want to update your version with the latest one.

    Below are the commands for updating your old Kali version. 1. apt update 2. apt dist-upgrade 3. reboot

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