How to download almost everything from Internet to your Google drive

If you want to download YouTube videos  in your Google drive, then you can do this simply by using a Chrome extension. This extension is developed by Google. In this article we are going to tell you about this in detail.

Download YouTube videos with Google Chrome Extension

There was a time we download the videos & other files in our computers or other digital devices. At that time we knew that we can’t have access to the Internet everywhere. Now due the less cost of Internet for everyone, we have Internet everywhere.
As the usage of Internet has become more the trend of downloading a file is getting down. Now we all use the Cloud storage services for the storage of big files. Google drive is one of these cloud service. You can download the files irrespective of any format to here.
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This file can be used in some other time by us. We can use the file after we have downloaded it in our cloud storage.

download youtube videos
download youtube videos

There is chrome extension which can be used by us to download anything in our Google Drive

How to download YouTube Videos in Google Drive directly

  • Go the Chrome extension Web store.
  • Add Save to Google Drive extension in your chrome browser.
  • Create a folder “Videos” in the drive or some other name you like.
  • As you can see the drive icon in the right side of browser.
  • Click on the drive icon & it will ask you for the permissions for using the Google drive.
  • It will also ask for the email Id & password for it.
  • Now select the folder where you want to save the file or video.
  • Now open YouTube & play the video you want to download & click on the drive Icon.
  • After a while a small window will open which will show you the download status of the video.
  • If you are downloading a file from some other website, then you have to save the link in the drive to get it downloaded.

This is the process how the file is downloaded in your Google Drive. The file is downloaded in your Google Drive’s folder.
Some of us may ask to download the file for Offline use, then there is different thing for that. Downloading a file from YouTube may be a little different from video to video. Some Videos are copyright protected by the owner & can only be used for streaming purpose.
After the video is downloaded, you will go to the Google drive folder to check out the video. Before the video can be played, Google drive will make a processing on it. After the processing will be done the video can be played by double click on it.
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