Learn basics of Linux hacking for hacking aspirants Part 5

Dhanteras Puja 2017

install linux software package using terminal in Kali Linux App Store 
Hello friends, I am back with the fifth part of the Linux basics for hacking. If you are a new reader then I suggest you to check the previous article or you will not be able to understand the concepts. This article is about install Linux software.

Install Linux Software in Kali Linux

As we have already told you that all the tools used for hacking are written for Linux users. In the part 1,2,3 we told you basic commands that helps to use Linux. This article is focused to install linux software.
So as to install new software in Kali Linux, you have four methods. All four will do the same work. Read all of them to get a better understanding of the environment.

  • By Command Line: –  Kali Linux is based on Debian linux.  The command to install a new software in Kali Linux is apt-get & the components of Debian’s Advanced Packaging Tool. To install a software the command can be used in the given format.

apt-get name of software 

This command has some variations which can be seen by using man apt-get in the command line.

  • GPK application: – Gnome Package kit & Synaptic Package Manager are two graphical ways to install a new software in Kali Linux. GPK is used by a new user who do not know much about the Linux as he is not an advance user.

Also ReadLearn basics of Linux hacking for hacking aspirants Part 3

  • Ubuntu Software Manager: – This is another graphical package manager that you have to install by a command. The command is written in the next line. It is already stored in the repository but needs to install by the command.

apt-get install software-center

May be these basics are not giving you the deep understanding about installing the software. I will provide you some basic examples on installing some software.

install linux software
install linux software

Install Skype in kali Linux.

  1. Download the latest version of Skype from the official website.
  2. Select the distribution carefully, for kali Linux choose Ubuntu 10.04.
  3. Download it in your system.
  4. Go to the directory where the downloaded skype file is located & then use this command.

apt-get install <name of Skype program>

After the Skype is installed in the Kali Linux, you can use this to make some video calls with your friends. You can use the method to install other programs.
After some of these basic programs you can be able to install some hacking tools.
We can install the software by the Terminal & Graphical mode both.
This article is finished now. In the next part we will be talking about the networking commands. If you haven’t read the previous parts of this hacking series, you should read this to clear the concepts.
Also ReadLearn basics of Linux hacking for hacking aspirants Part 4
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