How to install WordPress in Local Server

If you own a WordPress website then this could be a better thing for you. You always have wondered about somehow you can install WordPress local host to do all the experiments for your website before actually applying them to the site.

How to install WordPress local host

This can be done by installing a wordpress server on your local host. If you will be able to check the results of your experiments on the local server. The advantage of doing all these things are multiple. So I am going to tell you the process to do the same. And this can be done by using XAMPP server on your computer.

What is XAMPP

XAMPP stands for cross platform Apache, Mysql , PHP & Perl. This simple piece of software can be helpful in testing the websites on the local server.Yet , XAMPP is also available for Mac & Linux too, but most of us works on windows. We are only telling you about the Windows version.
As wordpress can’t run itself independently, that is why XAMPP provides an environment as a server in the local system so that wordpress can run properly.

Install XAMPP

  • Installing XAMPP is too simple, just click on the link & download XAMPP.
  • After the download is done, open the installer & install XAMPP in your computer.
  • Specify the location for installation & click on the check box for WordPress & Server.
  • Now if your installation completed properly then it’s OK. May be some errors are shown after the installation to you.
  • The errors are nothing but a port clash.

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Most of our Computer on World Wide Web works on port number 80. The problem comes with a pre-installed program in Windows computer called Internet Information server as Windows Server. You need to stop this service by following the given steps.

  • Click on Start & find “services.msc”.
  • Click on the services & a window will be opened.
  • Find WWW service in the window & click to stop it.
  • The problem for port clash is solved now.

Start the XAMPP server & no errors will be shown now.
While you will start the XAMPP server now, Windows Firewall will ask you for this. Click on allow it fir public network & Allow Access.

install wordpress local host
install wordpress local host

Finally XAMPP will work now you will be seeing some messages in the console which says that services are running.

Set up a Database in MySql

You need a database before installing wordpress.
Go to the Control Panel of XAMPP. In the Mysql section click on Admin.
A new window for MYSQL database will open. Open a new database & name it “WP”. Click create to save the details of database.

Install WordPress local host

First of all, you need to download wordpress from here. The wordpress is downloaded in zip format. Unzip the folder & Copy the folder in C:/XAMPP/htdocs. Rename the folder as “WP” after you copy it.
Open the WP folder & open wp-config-sample.php & rename it as wp-config.php. Now open the file & find the following lines in the code.

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database_name_here’);

/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘username_here’);

/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password_here’);

/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

This code defines login details of database.

  • Replace “database_name” as WP.
  • Replace user name as “root” & password section as blank.
  • Save the file & close it.

Now open the browser & type http://localhost/wp/. This will show you a screen to install wordpress & will ask you to select some options. After the process is complete your install wordpress local host.
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