Castile Soap Benefits, Uses & Benefits

Soap is a very commonly used product by all of us. A few years back, when soap was used for most of our hygiene habits. 

Soap was used for hand washing, face washing, and bath. Then the times changed, and sanitizers and beauty soaps were used more specifically for hands and baths respectively. 

Now the soaps have been categorized as beauty soaps and conventional soaps. So in this age of various soaps, we are going to talk about Castile Soap and its health benefits. 

What is a Castile Soap 

Castile Soap is made by a secret process done to olive oil. The other ingredients are avocado, hemp and coconut oil. The appearance of this soap is similar to any other soap but it is free from toxic chemicals. 

Castile Soap is not a new concept in the modern world. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra once demanded a better way to bathe and enhance her beauty. Her demand was fulfilled by her people by creating a soap made of herbs and plant ashes. 

Castile Soap is based on the same concept but the ingredients are replaced by some oils. When the concept of herbal soap was taken by a traveler to the Europeans, they added Olive Oil to this concept. After this soap was popularized with the name “ castile soap”.  

Benefits of Castile Soap 

As castile soap is a natural and chemical-free soap, it helps us in various ways. A soap provides your hygiene, but a castle soap provides you deep cleansing and the nutrients present in it. 

Cleans us without any chemicals 

Most of the soaps available in the market are chemical-based. The froth is formed due to chemicals in it. But the lather produced in a castile soap is of no chemicals. Soaps are just strong drying agents but a castile soap protects against bacteria infection because of a compound in it i.e. oleuropein. 

Safe for sensitive skin

Castile soap is useful for people with sensitive skin. It is considered safe for the most sensitive skins too. 

Castile removes Oil and acne through Skin 

Castile soap is rich in oils that penetrate the skin and clean the skin with anti-bacterial agents. Without n=making the skin dry, our skin is free from oil and acne. Many people have seen the 

Smooth and soothe dry, irritated skin

Olive oil is rich in MUFA i.e. monounsaturated fatty acids. This healthy fat helps in regulating the water levels in the epidermis which helps in healthy and glowing skin. It also helps in providing the moisturized skin.  

Naturally hydrating

The process of making soap filters the glycerin out of soap. But in the case of castile soap, it helps in retaining the glycerin in the soap. Glycerin is a very beneficial compound for your skin. As glycerin keeps the moisture from the air and keeps in the skin to make it a natural moisturizer. 

No gunked-up pores

Castile soap helps the skin to breathe more than before. This is done by shedding the dead skin cells. The chemicals in the soaps block the skin pores and create irritation to us. Castile soap opens the pores and lets them consume more fresh air.  

Natural free radical protection

Olive Oil provides us Vitamin A & E. This provides more antioxidants which reduce the effects of free radicals and delays the signs of aging. The signs of aging like wrinkles and spots can be reduced by the use of castile soap.  

Ease eczema, psoriasis & more

Castile soap also helps in various inflammation caused by external factors. A compound present in olive oil i.e. oleocanthal is helpful in reducing inflammation and other skin conditions.  

Which Castile Soap is Best to Buy 

Castile soap must be free from any other ingredients. It should be in its purest form. It doesn’t mean that the soap can’t have any other ingredients in it. 

The only product that you have to ignore is a pseudo castile soap. Some manufacturers make soap with a chemical base and sell it by the name of castile soap. Do not buy such products, because it’s just regular soap with a new name. 

Using other oils with olive oil like jojoba Oil, plants extracts and some other similar products is still good. But the toxic products like sulfates, triclosan, and other artificial fragrances must not be added. 

So before you buy, read the packet properly and see how many ingredients in it are organic and how many are chemicals. 

Liquid Soap

Castile soap is now available in liquid form too. Both are good to use but you must know your requirements for the same. 

Liquid soap won’t be suitable for bathing, for that only a bar soap is useful. So it’s your choice, which one to use. 

As long as you are getting a supply of pure castile soap, you can use it as you like. Because it any chemicals were added to your soap then

The most common blend of castile soap is having all these ingredients. The base of an organic sulfate-free castile soap are made with ingredients like  

  1. Coconut Oil
  2. Sunflower Oil
  3. Rosemary
  4. Jojoba Oil
  5. Hemp Seed Oil

Various Use of Castile Soap 

Castile Soap is not just a beauty product, but it can be used in other ways too. 

Body Wash 

Soap drains out the moisture from the skin. Using a castile soap helps in providing enough moisture to the body. A castile soap blended with honey and argan helps in skin softening.  

Hand Wash 

The liquid soap version of castile is used as a hand wash very often. People also chop a castile soap bar and boil in water for 20 mins. The remaining is used as a hand wash.  

Fragrant bubble bath

If you are a bathtub person, then you can add liquid castile and peppermint in your tub to enjoy a soaking bath.  

Coconut milk shampoo

 This soap is also used as a hair wash to get shiny hairs. To do this you need, 

  1. 1/4 cup coconut milk
  2. 1/3 cup organic Castile liquid soap
  3. 1 tsp of olive or almond oil

Mix all of these in a glass and shake it properly. Apply on your hair and wait for 20 mins. Wash it thoroughly and see the benefits. 

Homemade cleaning spray

Take a spray bottle and add essential oil, tea tree oil, and lemon. Now you can spray this mixture in your home for more hygiene.  

Castile soap is a natural herb and oil-based soap that can be used as a beauty product for a longer time. If you find any more uses for the same, then let us know. Thanks. 

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