Nine Methods to download Torrent Faster
Many times when we start downloading a torrent we do not get enough speed for it. But if we do some tricks then we can download Torrent Faster. So here I am going to tell you nine methods to speed up torrents.
Check the number of Seeders
Seeders are a very important part in downloading torrents. Seeder are those people who upload the files after they finish downloading. You should see the number of seeders in the torrent before downloading. So if you see a good number of seeders then the torrents will be downloading faster. More the seeder , more the downloading speed.
Close other programs
Make sure that no other application is using the Internet while your torrent is downloading. The download manager, Windows Update & any other web application must be closed so that all the speed can be dedicated to the torrent.
Wi-Fi is not enough???
Using Wi-Fi is not just an option because it will interfere with other devices connected. You can use LAN cable so that all the speed of your broadband to the torrent.
Change the queue settings of torrent. If you are downloading multiple torrents then you should download all one after another. This will decrease the download time.
To do this click on Options > Preferences > Now click on Queuing tab & select Maximum number of active downloads to 1. Click on Apply.
Enable UPnP port mapping. This option will bypass the firewall of your PC & maximum speed will be acquired by your torrent. Do this by Options > Preferences > Connection option.
Is your Torrent updated??
Keep on updating your torrents after some time. This will provide a better downloading for your. Do this by Help > Check for Updates.
Change the download Speed
Double click on your torrent download & a window will open. Change the maximum speed of download to a higher number. I suggest you to enter 9999999999999 in the settings. Click on OK.
Priority of Torrent
Press Alt + Ctrl + Delete. Click on task manager & click on process tab. Find uTorrent.exe & click to change the priority to higher & click OK.
Some other options in Preference Tab
- Open Options > preferences.
- Go to advance & click on + sign.
- Go To Disk Cache & enable and specify the cache size manually (MB) i.e. 1800 & click on OK.
- Now click on Bandwidth Tab & change Global maximum number of connections to 500.
- Click on Apply & close the window.
Use Force Starting
- Right click on the torrent file.
- Select Force Start in the menu.
- Again right click on torrent.
- Click on bandwidth allocation set to high.
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