Best Ways to charge your Smart Phone to increase Battery Life

Best Ways to charge your Smartphone to increase Battery Life
Best Ways to  charge your  Smartphone to  increase Battery  Life
Best Ways to charge your Smartphone to increase Battery Life

Charging a phone is not as simple as it seems. If you want your phone battery to perform better than it does. You can increase battery life of your smartphone by doing these simple steps. Read the full article for whole information.

Tips to Increase Battery Life

Smart Phone battery last for a day hardly. Sometimes when we are in bad need of Phone we have to stop us from using phones. Today I will be providing you some simple hacks that will help you to increase the battery life of your smart phone.
With some simple hacks you can use your smartphone’s battery to a longer time. There are some simple tricks written here for the same.
We always believed that we should charge our phones when the battery remains up to 5%. We are providing you some facts that will clear the belief from our mind.

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According to a research by a Leading battery company Cadex, Batteries are as same as humans, there should not be stressed by overcharging or undercharging. If you like to have your smartphone’s battery in good condition then charge it fully without worrying then change some of these habits we are going to talk.

Don’t not plug in to charger when the battery is full

According to the Battery University, if you leave the phone in charging for the whole night after it reaches 100% then the chemical reactions start stressing the battery to keep the charge for 100% charge. The battery must be removed from charging immediately. When you remove the charger from the phone then the chemical reaction stops & relax the battery. This can be understood by the example by doing exercise & then relaxing the muscles. If you are working non-stop you will be found in very bad state after the workout.

Plug into the charger whenever it can be done.

According to the Battery University, the best time of charging a smartphone is when it is on 10% charge. You can charge it on some other time too. To find a charger at 10% level is not so convenient. It is advised to charge your smartphone multiple times in a day. This will help you to increase the battery life of the smartphone.

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These simple tech tricks will help a smartphone owner to increase battery life of a smartphone. I am sure there are some more tips which I don’t know. You can tell us in the comment box. We will include those tips to get the exposure. Thank You.

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