How to become Popular with your YouTube Videos in 2017

In the previous article I told you how to create a YouTube Channel & some brief information about the branding of YouTube. Now we are going to tell you about how to rank youtube videos in YouTube.

This article is written for those who have created a YouTube Channel & now trying to get viewers for their videos. If you haven’t created your YouTube Channel yet, then you should read this article first and then read this one.

How to rank YouTube Videos

Those who have created the YouTube channel & working on it. First of all, to rank YouTube videos in YouTube search is not a very difficult task for anybody. If you want to get your YouTube videos on the first page then you should work on your content quality. It does not matter how you create your content. Content can be created on DSLR professional camera or with a phone. Content quality means your content must impress the viewer.
You should create that content which fulfills the demand of viewers. For this you can check the Trending section of the YouTube. The trending section of YouTube will provide you a rough idea of what people are watching on YouTube. This is based on the simple rule called “Demand & supply”.
Now it does not means that you should make videos on anything that you don’t know or not related to. If you see a video on a particular subject & you have no knowledge about it then you can’t make any visual content on it. This can be done after you gathered sufficient knowledge about the subject then start making a video on it. As people are already searching on the particular topic there is a great chance that your video can be seen by multiple viewers.
Also ReadHow to create a YouTube Channel in 2017
Another advice is that never try to over emphasize your character on YouTube. Show what you are on YouTube. If you will show any pseudo or false behavior on YouTube, then the viewers will not like you as compared to you being real. In other word I just want to say that first you must identify your passion & then start something that is based upon it. That passion can be from any field like Singing, dance, painting, Technical knowledge & many more.

Attitude for YouTube

One aspect of growing on YouTube is your attitude. If you are working on YouTube just for money then you will never succeed in growing a YouTube Channel. Now this conclusion is based on a simple principle. If a person is working on YouTube for money only then he will be soon getting hopeless. This is because in the starting phase of YouTube nobody gets much money. I suggest you not to see the money & you must work with a cool mind working unstoppably for his passion.

rank youtube videos
rank youtube videos

There are many You Tubers who took around two years in order to grow their channel but now their channel is one of the most popular channel in India. Some examples are CarryMinati, Technical Sagar etc. These channels are run by individual persons who have worked for their passion & now have become successful You Tubers in India.

Technical Aspects to rank YouTube videos

The above things I told you were non-Technical. Now we will be talking about some technical aspects by which you can get viewers & subscribers.
Be Regular in Uploading: – The most important step to rank YouTube videos is to regularly upload the videos. If you will not be regular in your uploading then YouTube will not be able to rank your videos. You must upload in a specific interval. This can be daily, weekly or anything depending on your content & time.
Use a good title & its description: As you upload any video, you must see write a good title for it. The title must be enough for the viewer to describe the content & fascinates him to check your content. The next thing is description. Description will provide a detail about the video & it will be specific about the video content.
Start Research on Tags: There is a tool called Google Keyword Planner which can be used by anyone. This tool will show you the trending keywords that are searched frequently by the Internet users. These tags or keywords can be used in the tags section. These keywords will help the video to rank in the YouTube search results.
You must use the appropriate keywords that are related to the video content. Do not use any unrelated topic which is not related. Doing this will harm your channel growth.
Comment on same Channel’s genre: Now there will be some more YouTubers who are already making video on same topic or a related topic. You can comment on the videos that are related to your channel. This will be a market to your videos. You can write a decent comment in the video & tell the viewers about your channel. This will provide a small exposure to your channel.
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These are some tips & tricks which I know by which you can grow your channel. If you like the article please let us know. If you have any other tips excluding the above then please tell us in the comment box. You can like us on Facebook too Thank You.

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