Useful DOS Commands You Should Know – Helps you to become computer expert

DOS is one of the underrated operating system. As it is a very powerful operating system. If you know about the commands that can be used to do some very great stuff. The knowledge of these DOS commands will help you in the your daily life as well as in the hacking world. Some of those DOS commands are written here for you.

Many of us don’t even know what & how much that DOS can do. Most of the users just use it to check the Internet connection. I mean the PING command. But if you like to know more about the DOS then you must check this article. I guarantee you will get some benefit in knowledge of DOS  & better handling of your computer.

These commands will let you leave your mouse for a while. So let’s start with the amazing commands.

Some tricky DOS commands

  1. Command History  :- Sometimes we have used some commands in our system & could not remember it. Imagine if we have a option to check the history , yes it is already there. i.e. doskey /history.
  2. Run two commands at a same command line  :- Run two commands in a single line would be more helpful & reminds me of Linux commands. You can run two commands in a single go by using && between two commands. For ex- ipconfig && dir.
  3. Use of Function Key in DOS prompt :- This could be new thing for you. Here the list of all commands & their functions respectively.
    • F1 :- type first character of last command you type. If you press F1 multiple times, then you it type next other characters of last command.
    • F2 : – Copy the character of previous command up-to a specific length
    • F3 :- Retype the last command entered.
    • F4 :- Remove the desired part of previous command.
    • F5 :- copies the template to command line.
    • F6 :- Undo the last action.
    • F7 :- Shows history of commands entered in the current session.
    • F8 : – displays all the commands which start with the specific character.
    • F9 :- Displays command with the serial they were entered in the prompt in the current session.

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DOS commands
DOS commands

  • Check PC Driver :- You can check all the drivers installed in the computer with all the other information associated with them. Command is driverquery.
  • Save the output in clipboard :- Sometimes we like to save the command in a separate file. A better to save them without using copy & paste is ipconfig | clip.
  • Abort a command :-  if you want to abort a command which you used before than you can simply do this by pressing Ctrl + C.
  • Change color of your command prompt  :-  The background of DOS can be changed by a right click -> properties-> Go to color tab. Now change background & text color.
  • Create wi-fi Hotspot using command prompt :- You can create free wi-fi hotspot using your computer wi-fi receiver if it supports wi-fi broadcasting. You will know after you will run this command.Use command prompt with administrative access & type the command netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid= hotspotname key= password.

Now you can switch it on by netsh wlan start hostednetwork. Switch it off with netsh wlan stop hostednetwork.

  • Scan System files for error check :- This command scans the whole system to find any error regarding system error & fixes them. i.e. sfc /scannow.
  • Speed up Internet :- Sometimes your system needs to find a new DNS for every request. You can flush the DNS by using this command. After the use of this command. Your websites will load quicker than before. i.e. – ipconfig/flushdns

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Also Read  :- How to  clean bad sectors in an old pen drive.

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