Convert multiple phone speaker into single speaker using this method

Here I am going to tell you about a new app called AmpMe App. This app is an sound sync app that lets you use all the phone’s speaker simultaneously.

AmpMe App – An sound sync App for Smartphone

There is many times when we have many smartphones in a picnic or vacation but not a single speaker. But did you ever thought of using all the smartphone’s speaker. If by any method we could synchronize all the speakers & create a surround speaker sound.
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If you still haven’t thought of it then this idea must have amazed you a little. So here I am going to tell you about an app that is used to combine the sound of all speakers of you & other people smartphone. This app works on both the platforms i.e. Apple & Android. And trust me this is the most interesting feature according to me. This feature lets you cross the boundaries of platforms.

Working of AmpMe App

However the working of this app is quite simple. First you need to download the app in your phone & other phones. Then you have to select a host that will initiate this, a code will be given by the host to other friends. After the code will be entered in other phones, all these phones will be synced & able to produce a surround sound for you.
The name of this App is AmpMeYou can download this app from the link given. As we are tech geeks, many of us wants to know about the working of this app. This app is made by Martin-Luc Archambault. Martin is an entrepreneur & member of Dragon’s Den (Canadian version of Shark Tank).
After the app is launched ,it crossed more than 50 millions. The main focus to develop this app was to convert smartphones into better speakers. An when multiple smartphones are available then it can produce a better sound with all those speakers.

AmpMe App
AmpMe App

Basic Idea for AmpMe

The reason for being so popular for this app is that the app is not enough to install in a single phone. The app has to be installed in all the phones who want to use it.
The idea of developing such app came in the mind of Martin when he helped a friend to set up a music system. Then he tried to sync all the speakers manually but did not succeed so he thought of building an app that can do same.
After months of working , the app was created by Martin after spending lot of time & money. The app does not uses Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to sync all the devices but it uses a high frequency signal that is not heard by human ears but by all the smartphones. This frequency let you play the music in sync mode.

Features of AmpMe App

  • Can sync all the smartphones & produce a combined sound.
  • You can downloaded music as well as streaming music service.
  • Also works with Apple Music.

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