USG device to save you from all mallicious USB device – USG Firewall device

This article will let you know about a USB device that works as an anti-virus for your computer. This device known as USG Device will act as a firewall for all the USB devices that can harm your computer.

USG device that prevents from Malware – USB Firewall Software

In our daily routine, we insert many USB device into our computer like pen drive, mouse, keyboard & many other things. How could we know that any of these device is infected with a virus & inserting it in our computer can harm our data & functioning of computer.
To solve this problem Henry Martin Robert Fisk a Developer who has invented a USG device that will act as a Firewall & block the devices which are doubtful.
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This may sound you awkward but now in the world of hacking many mouse & keyboards are also used for hacking. This device will scan every USB device & if it finds any malicious program in it then it will block the code from executing.

USB Hardware Firewall – Is Anti-Virus Enough?

There may be a question that the anti-virus is enough for this , no an Anti-virus has many limitations.An anti-virus is not a safer option in many cases. If the malware enters in the MBR(Master Boot Record) then the anti-virus is not able to work  with it. You can use this device to prevent all the malware & ransom-ware to prevent your data from the hackers program.

USG Device
USG Device

Anti-Bad USG Hardware

This device will be very helpful if you found a USB drive from a non-trusted source. You want to plug in the pen drive in your computer but the fear of malware will be there. By using this USG you can plug in the pen drive without any fear. As if the pen drive is effected with some destructive program , the USG firewall will block the device from executing any script or program & your computer will be safe from the malware.
This device is compatible with Windows, Mac or Unix Operating system. If you want to use this device for your sake, then you must know that Mr. Henry has sold this to Github at a high amount.
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