What is a VPN , Working of a VPN – Some Popular VPN & Features of VPN available in Market

Hello friends, I am back with a new article for you. Today we are going to talk about VPN. A VPN is a very useful utility in Security & secure transmission.  In simple words we can say that a VPN is a secure & encrypted connection which connects your terminal to a server operated by a VPN service.
So here we are going to tell you the following points about a VPN.

  • What is a VPN ?
  • Working of a VPN
  • Popular VPN in Market & My personal experience on them.

So let’s get started & get all the details for a VPN.

What is a VPN ? Virtual Private Network

VPN stands for Virtual private Network. VPN network is a network which is actually built on a public network i.e. Internet. The main aim is to connect a company’s internal network to create a private Network. You can use any of the choice available to create a network on Internet but VPN provides you a secure Network which let you transmit sensitive information in the most secure way through a secure channel.

What is a VPN ? Virtual Private Network
What is a VPN ? Virtual Private Network

So, a VPN helps you to create a private network with the help of encryption & some other security measures that allows only authorised users to access the network & ensures that the data is not available to any unauthorised person.

What is the Use of VPN Connection

Now you know , what a VPN is then you must also know how you can use a VPN to make your life better. As you know there is no use of that resource which we cannot use.
So , here I am going to tell you some of the amazing uses of a VPN.

  • Employees of a Company can access the Corporate Network, while they are not present in their Office.
  • Companies office in different areas that are very distant to each other can be connected using a cohesive network.
  • Using a VPN , a person or individual can secure his online transactions.
  • Many countries restrict the access to some website. With a VPN you can access them wihtout let it know to anyone.

Working of a VPN – What does a VPN Hide

Now we all knew the benefits & usage of a VPN. So we should know how a VPN Works.
We will start with VPN Protocols that helps to create a VPN.

Protocols used in VPN

The main protocols of a VPN are three in number. The three protocols are incompatible with each other.


IPSec is a set of protocols that are made IETF that creates secure exchange of data packets at IP Layer. This protocol is implemented in many VPNs. IPSec uses two types of encryption modes i.e. Transport and Tunnel.


PPTP stands for Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol. It is a technology developed by joint efforts of Microsoft, US Robotics & some other Network vendor companies known as PPTP Forum.


L2TP stands for Layer Two (2) Tunnelling Protocol. It is an extension of PPP protocol that enables ISP to control a VPN.


SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. SSL is a three way handshake method which includes the exchange of messages between client & server. This is done for security purpose. Authentication is done on the basis of certificates & cryptography. All the keys  certificate are stored in the client & server end.

Establishing a VPN connection

It takes three basic steps i.e. Authentication , Tunnelling & Encryption.

  1. Authentication :- All the data that has to be send is joined with some headers & encrypted by some encryption algorithm. After this the three way handshake is performed. User sends a hello & then Login credentials is used to authenticate the user .
  2. Tunnelling:- After the authentication, a virtual tunnel is made  by the network. In this tunnel any type of data is send. This tunnel provides an direct connection between sender & receiver.
  3. Encryption :- Many other people on the network also uses the network carrier. If anybody succeed to get the data packets in his own terminal then the user’s data can be leaked. For this data is first encrypted & then send. This encryption secure data , if in any case the data is leaked then it is just a piece of garbage.

In this process whenever a user send a request for a website to VPN server. VPN server send the request to the particular website like the server is requesting for it. The website server thinks that the VPN server asks for the website data. After the VPN server gets the website request, the resources are forwarded to the user who actually requests for it.

Popular VPN available in Market in 2017

As we know the usage & working of VPN. The power of a VPN is cannot be under-estimated. A VPN is a very terrible thing to use for corporate & personal use.
If you are planning to use a VPN then I have a good choice for you.

  • Express VPN
  • Nord VPN

Express VPN

There are many of us who needs to do some online activities which we can’t afford to get leaked. For this Express VPN can be a considerable option. This is one of the fastest VPN around the world.
This is because of their server availability. According to them , they have more than one thousand (1000) server in 145 locations that are sprawling across 94 countries.

Features of Express VPN

  • A Smart-DNS will be provided for free in the cost of Express VPN.
  • With this you can use Media Streamer which can be used to watch Netflix in any platform.
  • They have created the application software to use it in almost every platform i.e. Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad & even BlackBerry.
  • There is a router app which can be installed in a router which helps you to protect all your home devices connected to the Internet after buying the subscription.

These are some of the features that I knew after I used them. You can get more information if you are interested to buy it. expressvpn review

Nord VPN

Nord VPN is a very popular VPN in VPN market. There are plenty of server that are available for the VPN service that Nord VPN provides. Due to the number of servers , The service pf Nord VPN s considered best. I do not have any idea about the number of server that Nord VPN has, but I am going to tell you about the Features of this VPN.

Features of Nord VPN

  • VPN service with the maximum number of Servers in the world.
  • One of its features can be counted as its easy to use Interface. You can easily install its application without any technical expertise.
  • It is provided in Monthly & yearly subscription. This makes it flexible in economical aspect.
  • Encryption :- Nord VPN uses 2048 bit encryption. This means it provide a Double VPN protection for the user which means it has added a extra layer of security.

These are some of the features that I know about them. If you consider this product as your new subscription then you can read more details & some customer reviews from the link given. nordvpn review
Real Metrics of Nord VPN  (Download Speed , Upload Speed & Ping )

Metrics US Asia EU Sweden
 Ping  116 ms  379 ms  37 ms 97 ms
 Download  49 Mbps  8 Mbps 14 Mbps 3 Mbps
 Upload  29 Mbps  3 Mbps  38 Mbps 2 Mbps

Encryption :- Nord VPN uses 2048 bit encryption. This means it provide a Double VPN protection for the user which means it has added a extra layer of security.
These are some of the information that I had for you friends. If you like the information or you have any doubt on it , then please write comment regarding this. I am always here to help you. Thank You.
If you took any of these VPN service then please write your experience for this. Thank You.

1 Comment

  1. Valentine Warburg
    February 3, 2018

    Major thanks for the blog article.Really thank you! Really Great.

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