Android Banking Apps trojan Found on Google Play Store

Many of u like to watch funny videos on Internet. While working on your computer , a tired person watch some funny videos to relax. Many of us installs some app to watch funny videos in the phone. If you are one of them , then you must be beware of them, one of these app is found as android banking trojan.

Android Banking Trojan found in Play store as a Funny Video App

During a checking, many apps named funny videos 2107 are found infected with trojan horses designed to hack your bank accounts. These apps were safely deployed on Play store.
Niels Croese, a security researcher at Securify B.V firm analyzed a funny video app which has 1000 to 5000 downloads is found with a trojan horse. This app seems to be a normal video watching app but in the background i analyze your banking activities across the world.
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This app is as same as trojan horse which hack your bank details but there is something which makes it unique that is — First its ability to target a victim & second is the use of DexProtector tool to breach the app’s code.
The banking trojan target more than 400 banks in the world. These banks include many big banking organization like ABN, Rabobank, ASN, Regiobank, and Binck.

android banking trojan
android banking trojan

Working of Android Banking Trojan

While the app acts as a normal video watching app but in background it tracks your messages & other sensitive information to copy your details.
Most of the banking trojan comes through a adult content app in the phone but this app reaches the Play store as a regular app.
Google has removed the app as the report for the app is submitted to them. Now the app do not exists in the Play Store.
After the app is downloaded it asks for the admin access in your phone & copies all the information to hijack the phone & does all the tasks in your phone.

How to prevent yourself

Follow the standard protection measures to keep you away from these trojans.

  • Keep your device up to date & install a good anti-virus in your phone.
  • Always install the apps from the trusted sources like Play Store & App store where all the apps are verified. Do not install the app if it is asking for more permissions than required.
  • Don’t connect to any untrusted public Wi-fi networks.
  • Do not click on any untrusted links which are  send to you via SMS or Internet messages.

Also Read :  Best Android Apps that you should install in your Phone in 2017
So here’s are some of the best android apps in 2017.You can install them from the links given. If you like the information please like our Facebook Page or Subscribe us for our Daily Updates in your Inbox. Thank You.


  1. Terra81
    April 19, 2017

    You have put nice info

  2. stare przepisy kulinarne
    April 25, 2017

    Very good website – bookmarked

    • Vanshanu
      April 27, 2017

      Thanks to consider

  3. Kasha
    May 19, 2017

    thanks a lot, play store removed it

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