Tricks that every Computer Science Student must Know

In the today’s world where computer has become a necessity in everyone’s life. What’s next if you are an IT student then you must be having some special computer tricks that can show to your friends. This article is enlisted with some of those which an IT student must know.

Some Computer tricks in 2017

Change Windows Password without knowing the current one
This can be done while the computer is logged in.

  • Right click on My Computer & click manage.
  • Now go to Local Users & Group > Users. The list of users will be displayed.
  • Right click on a User & set password for it.
  • A window will appear & click on proceed.
  • Enter the new password for two times & click on OK.

Block Websites

Block a website by doing this

  • Press Windows + R & type %windir%\system32\drivers\etc in it.

Go to

  • Open Notepad as Administrator & open the host file from the etc folder.
  • Now type & name of Websites which you want to block in the given format.
Note that your browser must be closed before doing this trick, else this will not work.

Redirect a Website to another

This means if someone types & you want him to see Facebook then do this.

  • Open Cmd & type tracert, this will tell you the IP address of Facebook.
  • Type the Address of YouTube in the hosts file
Now every time anyone who will type YouTube will be redirected to

Computer tricks
Computer tricks

Boost Your Broadband Speed

You can change some internal factors that can speed up your Broadband speed.

  • Open Command prompt as admin and type netsh int tcp show global.
  • Change the TCP parameters by these commands. Write them in a notepad file & save the file as Speedbooster.bat


netsh int tcp show global

netsh int tcp set global chimney=enabled

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp

  • Now run this file in Admin mode. Your Internet Speed will be increase 20-30%.
  • To reset the TCP global parameters to their default values Type these in notepad & save as Reset.bat and run as administrator.


netsh int tcp show global

netsh int tcp set global chimney=default

netsh int tcp set heuristics enabled

netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=none

Combine the speed of two internet connection

This is beneficial if you have a Dongle & a Broadband connection.

  • Open Run windows & type “ncpa.cpl”.
  • Select the two network drivers & select bridge connections.
  • Now your speed of Internet will be addition of two connections.

Task Manager

Use  ctrl+shift+Esc instead of ctrl+alt+del to go to task manager directly.
Encrypt Files & Folders

  • Right click on the file or folder & select properties.
  • Click on advance & check on Encrypt contents to secure data option.
  • Click OK & apply.

Now the file can be seen by you only & opened only when you have the encrypted key.

Create Non-deleting & Non-Renaming Files

You can create such folders by adding keywords like con, aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8 and lpt9 in the file name.

  •  Open cmd & type the name of drive where you file must be created.
  • Type “md con” & press enter. Other keywords can be used for the same.
  • Folder can be deleted by manual action. Use rd con to delete them.

Disable recent Document history

  • Open CMD, Type regedit & press enter.
  • Go to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer”.
  • Now create a NoRecentDocsHistory D_WORD key.
  • Set Data Value to 1 to enable restrictions & Restart the computer.

To enable it again Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer” and delete “NoRecentDocsHistory” file.

Details of You Internet Connection

Use Command ipconfig/all to find the information like IP address, DNS server address.
Also visit or from your browser to check the devices attached to your Internet Connection.
These are ten computer tricks that will help anytime in your life. Even a non-tech guy will also find it useful for him. If you find the article useful, then write us in the comment box. Thank You.

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