Google is bringing its new Ad Blocker inbuilt in Chrome Browser

Soon Google will announce its own ad Blocker in the market. This Ad Blocker will be integrated in the Chrome browser. This will provide help to filter the annoying ads in the web. Now Chrome users will not depend on any third party ad blocker plugin. The new Google Ad Blocker is going to be released in few weeks.

Google Ad Blocker

From a long time ,third party Ad blocker were the only way to save us from annoying ads on the Internet. But soon Google is going to release one of its official Ad Blocker in the market. Using this Ad blocker the dependency of other third party ad blocker will be finished.
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According to WSJ reports, Google has built a new Ad Blocker for Chrome browser. After this the chrome users do not have to install any other plugin in the browser. This sounds strange that the biggest advertising platform is creating Ad blocker plugin but this is not the whole story.

Google Ad Blocker
Google Ad Blocker

The Ad Blocker by Google will only block those ads which are considered unacceptable by the Ad policies. The unacceptable ads are like pop-ups, auto-playing video ads with sound etc.
A theory says that all the offensive ads will be blocked by this plugin. It is the responsibility of websites owners to control such ads.

Why Google Ad Blocker?

As Google ads are blocked by many Ad Blocker plugin which results in less audience. For example Ad Blocker+ blocks many Google Ads. After the Google Ad Blocker these ad Blocker will not be able to do this because thier need is over.
After this Ad Blocker Google will have more control on their Ad networks. This will also increase their cash. This step will also helpful for ad companies to expand their audience & consumers.
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  1. Download Torrent Faster using these Nine tips in 2019
    July 24, 2019

    […] Also Read : Google is bringing its new Ad Blocker inbuilt in Chrome Browser […]

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